Pre-Institute Self-Assessment
- Due No due date
- Questions 17
- Time Limit 120 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
The instructor's role in the success of a course, a program of study, and student retention and achievement is clearly documented. In online learning, this role is even more critical as the instructor has to overcome potential barriers caused by technology, time, and place and create an optimal environment for achieving educational goals.
Although Web 2.0 and multimedia tools, as well as the unique community that can be built online, open new pedagogical possibilities, there are also some basic, but significant, instructor competencies the online environment assumes, if the teaching and learning experience is to run relatively smoothly and productively. Taking this self-assessment will alert you to the basic competencies needed and which ones you may want to strengthen before venturing online. We will ask you to take this self-assessment again at the close of this course so that you may compare your results and see your learning.