Welcome to Attention Matters!

This module will teach you how to get more out of your study time by taking advantage of how the human mind works. Specifically, we'll explore how attention affects your ability to learn and remember, and how we balance all the things that grab our attention. Through videos, interactive online demonstrations, and discussions with your classmates, you'll learn to see attention in a whole new light.

By completing this module you will

  • Explain what you know about attention
  • Discuss what happens when we overload attention
  • Develop a plan for managing your attention

The module consists of a pre-survey, a behaviors inventory, three units, and a post-survey.

Please note that many of the learning activities are visual, so if you have limitations such as colorblindness or low vision, or if you are hearing impaired, please work with your instructor to adapt the activities to your needs.

Good luck and have fun!

Attention Matters! developed by Michelle Miller, Ph.D. & John J Doherty, Ed.D. Northern Arizona University  Technical Support by Rick McDonald, Rhizome Learn LLC